Desperate Struggle to be finale for Wii
The Developer CEO of No More Heroes has signaled it's departure from the Nintendo Wii and has expressed interest in going beyond the limits of the Wiimote to the Xbox and Natal.
Natal has been a controversy for the revolution in motion controller technology it could represent but also for how it could lose its appeal quick, and be a big flop for the Xbox 360. So it doesn't hurt when a franchise exclusive to the Wii will stand behind the technology. You can't blame the open window Natal appears to offer for the motion driven gameplay in the No More Heroes series.
If they are moving away from being an exclusive Wii title to go to Xbox, I bet Grasshopper wouldn't look towards the PS3 with the complexity issues for developing with the PS3 and its motion controller being as limited as the Wiimote.
So Natal has another positive on it's side in that it is attracting developers, and if Grasshopper decides to go, Xbox users get an exclusive title from the franchise.
We'll see what they decide. I for one don't show much interest in the game...yet. Lets hope moving to the 360 gives it a chance to change it's look a little, the graphics don't appeal to me much.
Dude, awesome! No More Heroes was a great game, and I'm HIGHLY anticipating the sequel.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if they'd put in the resources to port over NMH2 to the 360, but if there's a 3rd game, or another original title coming out, it's cool that it'll be on 360 now that Mr. Suda51 is leaning towards the console. Now I can get achievement points while doing crazy, insane, gory, hilarious, cel-shaded shit.
The one thing that's kinda making me wonder is... No More Heroes was never a very motion-sensitive game to begin with, so what is Suda going to do with Natal if there's no controller?
maybe it will be the first co-control game? By that I mean a game using both the controller and natal. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.